PTQI- Petroleum Training and Qualifying Institute

Processing Department

The establishment of this department was the first milestone of PTQI whose mail objective was to meet the needs of the various oilfields, oil and gas processing plants, oil refineries, and petrochemical plants for well-trained, highly skilled process operators.


2d year 3d year
Heat Transfer Oil Field and Export Facility Operations
Storage and Control Q C. Lab. & Refinery Operations
Processing Equipment Gas Processing Operations
Quality Control Equipment Petrochemicals Processing Operations
  Corrosion and Water Treatment
  • Graduates of this department can perform the following tasks:

    • • Operate production and processing equipment.
    • • Monitor and control normal process operations.
    • • Recognize and deal with errors and defects.
    • • Apply operating safety regulations.
  • The department includes workshops and a laboratories:

    • • Equipment Workshop
    • • Quality Control Lab
    • • Refining and petrochemical plant Simulator.
    • • DCS Basic process simulator.
    • • DCS Oil and Gas field operations simulator.
    • • DCS Ammonia production simulator.
    • • DCS Methanol production simulator.
  • Photos