Cambridge International Diploma In IT Skills

Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is one of the world’s leading providers of international qualification and assessments. CIE is part of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the world-renowned University of Cambridge.

In order to gain a CIE IT Skills Award, candidates must pass at least five examinations of the following six modules:
Modules |
Using the Computer and Managing Files (Windows) |
Word Processing (Word) |
Spread Sheets (Excel) |
Data Base (Access) |
Presentation (Power Point) |
Information and communication (Internet) |
The award of a certificate is available at two levels, Foundation and Standard. Successful completion of the course at Foundation level means that a candidate has demonstrated a general ability to use a Personal Computer through his/her effective use of IT skills and is able to manipulate and present information in electronic form. At Standard Level these basic skills are built upon and a successful completion of the course at this level, means that a candidate has progressed well beyond the basic skills to become competent in more complex tasks and procedure.
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